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Reply to thread: Bill Gates’ economic influence over the global vaccination efforts
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='1184' dateline='1609242101'] Thanks to Dr Betty Martini for the great chart below that illustrates just a part of Bill Gates’ unjust economic influence over the global over-vaccination agendas of so many government agencies, academic institutions, and Big Pharma for the past several decades. (Dr Martini, D. Hum., is one of the most knowledgeable scientists in the world that understands the dangerous toxicities of Aspartame, that ubiquitous artificial sweetener (Diet Coke, et.ad) that has a multitude of toxic adverse effects. Dr Martini is also a reliable source of information concerning the pseudoscience revolving around the sociopathic Big Vaccine corporations that are guaranteed to make a killing on the various deeply flawed, experimental, genetically-engineered Covid vaccines that have not been actually approved by the FDA – only given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from that deeply flawed government regulatory agency that receives a large portion of its annual income from Big Pharma corporations! Dr Martini’s website is at: www.mpwhi.com. GGK https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/12/gary-g-kohls/the-bill-gates-multi-billion-dollar-briberies-of-academia-big-vaccine-big-pharma-who-the-nih-cdc-fauci-and-the-world-economic-forums-great-reset/ [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/lrc-cdn/assets/2020/12/Capture18.jpg[/img] [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/lrc-cdn/assets/2020/12/Capture17.jpg[/img] [/quote]
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