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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='132' dateline='1596458569'] [size=large][b]COVID-19 Facts[/b] [i]That Flatten the Fear[/i][/size] [size=x-small]Updated as of July 20, 2020[/size] The CDC recently revised its death rate estimate down to [b]just 0.4 percent[/b]. One percent of counties in the country account for nearly half of all Covid-19 deaths nationally. Ten percent of counties account for nearly 90 percent of all deaths. Roughly [b]30 percent[/b] of the counties in the country haven’t experienced a single coronavirus death. Nearly half of all coronavirus deaths have come in nursing homes. In many states, nursing homes and assisted living facilities account for far more than half of all deaths—around 80 percent in Minnesota and around 70 percent in Ohio. More than 80 percent of all Covid-19 deaths are among those [b]over[/b] 65 years old. Those aged under 55 account for just eight percent of all Covid-19 deaths. If you are 34 years old or younger, your probability of dying from Covid-19 as of June 3rd was [b]0.0005[/b] percent. The overwhelming majority of deaths are among those with at least one other underlying medical condition. For six percent of the deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause mentioned. Most ICU admissions—in some cases 75 percent or more—aren’t Covid-related. The resumption of elective—yet vital—surgeries is contributing to increased ICU-utilization rates around the country. More children die each year from the flu than Covid-19. Children rarely display serious symptoms from Covid-19 or infect others. Some scientists believe children are a “brake” on transmissions. After European schools reopened, there was no observable increase in Covid-19 cases. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Academy of Sciences conclude that children can safely return to school. www.flattenthefear.com [/quote]
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