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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='144' dateline='1596724390'] They used to tell us that we were in danger due to external foreign terrorists threatening our safety. Now they are pointing their weapons at US, telling us the threat lives inside of us & monitoring & policing us like we are the enemy & are now waging a war on terror against us. And just like our lives & society were restructured to fight the war on terror, they are now too, except they are brainwashing & manipulating us to believe that WE are the threat, making us feel dirty & to treat our friends and loved ones as if they are now potential terrorists. The war against terror has moved from pointing guns at foreign invaders to pointing weapons at ourselves & assuming anyone around us may be a threat to us or our loved ones’s life. Instead of being suspicious of foreign entities, we’re suspicions of ourselves & our neighbors. Can you hear the war call? They are gathering troops & supplies to defeat the enemy, which they’ve convinced you lives inside of you & will use a vaccine to blast it out of you, so you can feel safe. But you never will be, because they own your mind & now your body if you allow this. Now everyone thinks they’re dirty & contaminated & we look at loved ones as threats to us. They’ve not only restructured the way our society functions, but also how we interact with our families & our children. Anyone could be a terrorist now-everyone is a threat. [align=right]--Ali Zeck[/align] [/quote]
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