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Reply to thread: Why must we drive on the wrong side of the street?
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='1488' dateline='1611092990'] Most people are right-handed and way back when jousting was in vogue the field was setup so the participants could go at each other with their lances in their right hands. Though less treacherous, traffic patterns ended up following suit over common thoroughfares. That's just the way it was. When the US broke away from England, TPTB of that day and age decided to no longer use the Crown's weights & measures or traffic laws. I don't mind the weights & measures, but but being right-hand I find it difficult to squeeze off an accurate round while having to drive with my right hand and shoot with my left. There's that and the spent brass from my semiautomatic gets thrown back towards my face, very distracting. So I was thinking if we are on the verge of a "Great Reset" maybe when the smoke clears we can address this issue and start putting the steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle. All in favor say aye! [/quote]
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