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[quote="David C" pid='1902' dateline='1629314651'] I can't disagree with Mr. Fishman about his prognosis of humanity's future, during the post mRNA biowarfare (not "vaccine") injection period we are in. Obviously satan's cabal (Jesuits-Freemasons-Jews-etc.) wants as many people as possible to get injected, with as many injections as possible. My father had two of the injections a month or two ago, and subsequently died weeks later, also testing "positive" with the PCR test. My step-mother's mother also got two of the mRNA injections, and she too was rushed to the emergency hospital about the same time as my father, then put into the covid ward (tested positive with symptoms), where she died. My mother is old (also 94), and she too got the injections, so I'm hoping it won't effect her the same way, but concerned that's going to happen. The so-called "Spanish Flu" was likely caused by the many vaccines forced on people at the end of WW-I, and wasn't contagious. People during the 1918-1920 pandemic were forced to wear masks too, which likely weakened their health, as masks are doing now [/quote]
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