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[quote="treebeard" pid='1924' dateline='1630334002'] Pentagon, USAID (State Dept. subsidiary that functions as a CIA front organisation) funding of Wuhan lab, via "EcoHealth Alliance", (President Peter Daszak, who is heading WHO investigation/coverup into Covid-10 origins), top advisor David R. Franz, former commander of Fort Detrick, the principal U.S. government biowarfare facility. Fort Detrick was shut down twice in 2019 for "security breaches", and housed the troops who participated in the 2019 World Military Games at Wuhan, which caused the outbreak. Franz and UNSCOM promoted the story that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction — a false claim that led to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. He was a Colonel and served in the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. Avril Haines, currently Director of National Intelligence, former CIA deputy and consultant to Palantir, the key player who is Peter Thiel of PayPal and other corporations (crypto), and a Trump ally. Haines participated in the Event 201 in October, 2019, in which a coronavirus pandemic emergency and propaganda campaign was simulated at Johns Hopkins. Philip Zelikow and Michael R. Gordon, long-time Deep State institutue members, along with Judith Miller, these being top journalists in Iraq WMD propganda, 9/11 lies, etc. while 9/11 Investigation commission director, atty. Zelekow is heading up the commission to investigate the origins of the Wuhan "lab leak theory", in a coverup.. et freaking cetera. further learning: https://spitfirelist.com/ https://original.antiwar.com/shusseini/2020/12/16/peter-daszaks-ecohealth-alliance-has-hidden-almost-40-million-in-pentagon-funding-and-militarized-pandemic-science/ [/quote]
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