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Reply to thread: ITALY: It’s Civil War! — Dictatorship Declares Vaxx obligatory for all
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='1936' dateline='1630680811'] [quote='Guest' pid='1931' dateline='1630604890'] One thing you have to admit, the warnings and doom talk about the health of those who took the vax is yet to materialise. We don't know if those who took one, two, or three shots of mRNA, or viral vector compound shots will suffer long-term consquences. To say the DEFINITELY WILL is posing. [/quote] Gawd! I don't know how it happened but it's definitely why I don't have any posters here! Somehow someway my site is only being shown to people on different planets. On planet Earth anyone who's honestly keeping score will tell you, your odds of suffering ill effects go up dramatically after being vaccinated. [hr] [twitter]https://twitter.com/jonrohnson/status/1430910171094544384[/twitter] Apparently this video had been removed/censored. [/quote]
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