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Reply to thread: 27 U.S. Air Force Pilots Resign Over Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate
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[quote="" pid='1949' dateline='1631281287'] I am currently working a campaign calling Human Resource Directors. Part of any sales pitch is finding out what the "pain points" are for them, then use that against them to push the sale through. Reports throughout the country is the HR Directors biggest problem is when they announced they were requiring the clot shot THE WHOLE COMPANY QUITS AT THE SAME TIME. Same story over and over and over. They are losing their shit over this. Even had one lady break down crying on the phone. The worst hit are anything medical and the schools. Top dogs are having to cover 2-3 job titles as "interim" because they cant find anyone else. I spoke with a nursing home administrator that had to perform cna duties and was wiping asses because there was no one else left to do it. This country as a whole is absolutely REFUSING to take the clot shot despite the threats. If they cant get it above 50% then they will never be able to institute passports. Right now the real numbers are around 30%. The lunatic dems plan to force this through employers is an absolute 100% fucking FAILURE. IF WE ALL CONTINUE TO HOLD STRONG THE BUSINESSES IN BED WITH THE GOV FOR THE FED MONEY WILL COLLAPSE. THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MANDATE SHIT WHEN EVERYONE TELLS THEM TO FUCK OFF. HOLD THE LINE PEOPLE - WE GOT THIS. [/quote]
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