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Reply to thread: Fauci on herd immunity and vaccine mandates
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='1953' dateline='1631541491'] [twitter]https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1437382113548980232[/twitter] [hr] Mandate away you fucking keebler elf (Fauci), but the swill you are trying to poison everyone with is not a vaccine. It is not made like a vaccine, and it does not prevent infection or transmission of covid. That alone makes vaccination pointless and when you add all the known serious side effects we are talking criminal. So I will not bend over, you will not man date me, and when it comes to sticking me with a needle... I will not comply. I do not consent. You know, I'm not excessivly mad at Fauci, Gates, Biden, Rothschilds, and all the other usual NWO suspects, I think they will have eternity for contemplating the error of their ways. However I'm absolutely enraged by all the sheep that cower, bootlick, and allow themselves to be ran through and stomped on. That's who I'm pissed at. We only have the freedoms we fight for. Right now we're collectively consenting to tyranny. So until we all stop bitching about 'they/them' and take a long look at the coward in the mirror we will never overcome this. The time to worry about upsetting people with truth is over. Be the change you want to see or rollup your sleeve and go get euthanized. [/quote]
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