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Reply to thread: Fauci on herd immunity and vaccine mandates
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[quote="Devil's Advocate" pid='1963' dateline='1632067985'] These so called honest doctors are only giving you part of the truth. Here's an anology for what is happening in the world. You have a medical condition that needs attention. Actually it needed attention a good while back, but for whatever reason you blew it off. Now as your condition worsens you still ignore it, or deny it even exists. Problems that are allowed to fester into bigger problems are far more difficult to deal with then had they been recognized and dealt with when they were manageable. Humanity has kicked the can down the road as far as it will go, all the problems associated with overpopulation will only worsen to the detriment of EVERYTHING unless the proper treatment is provide immediately. Barring stepping off a balcony, if you would like to help avert disaster, roll up your sleeves and get busy. Take the jabs. If the planet will be saved nine out of ten of us will be gone in short order. You can voice your adversion to treatment all you want but thoses trying to save the planet are going to do their damnedest to see you receive some form of treatment. [/quote]
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