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Reply to thread: Immunization expert; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='2000' dateline='1636841214'] [quote='2am Breathe' pid='4963967' dateline='1636760123'] [quote='blind prophet' pid='4961795' dateline='1636679206'] Hope you are feeling better man. The only thing I can think of that helps with most things is to drink a lot of water. [/quote] I have been!! I did all the right things. Sleep as much as I could, ate healthy as I could. I drank Gatorade when I couldn't eat to replenish salts. I don't believe in suppressing snot and phelm with medicine, i think it is what clears the virus out. So.... I went through a bunch of snot paper. I feel so good right now!! Whew!! I'm past it, I think. [/quote] There is No Proof of the existence Sars-CoV-2 the virus responsible for covid-19. So there's no possible way you can say with any certainty you have or had covid-19. Even if you were a virologist you can not personally know the genus of the virus infecting you. Conversely you can say with 100% certainty that the virus that causes covid-19 has never been isolated and purified and proven to be contagious and that's wether you know that or not. It just so happens to be the truth and truth is you had a garden variety flu regardless of what of what your bogus PCR returns. I keep putting these factoids on different threads on this site and they keep getting deleted, somebody can't handle the truth around here and don't want it discussed. As far as that goes, a few posters have been uttering the truth about this covid scamdemic since it's inception. [/quote]
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