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[quote="Elliottteali" pid='2469' dateline='1730536875'] I have an ASUS TUF Dash F15 2022 laptop that tends to overheat when I play games and browse the web. I noticed that removing the back cover and blowing a fan directly to the exposed components significantly lowers the temperature, from around 90В°C to 70В°C on average. Is this a safe and effective way to cool down my laptop, or could it cause any damage or performance issues? What are the potential risks and benefits of this method? [url=]https://blogs-aninec.sartorslaxnesssloughed.com[/url] [hr] I have an ASUS TUF Dash F15 2022 laptop that tends to overheat when I play games and browse the web. I noticed that removing the back cover and blowing a fan directly to the exposed components significantly lowers the temperature, from around 90В°C to 70В°C on average. Is this a safe and effective way to cool down my laptop, or could it cause any damage or performance issues? What are the potential risks and benefits of this method? [url=]https://blogs-aninec.sartorslaxnesssloughed.com[/url] [hr] I have an ASUS TUF Dash F15 2022 laptop that tends to overheat when I play games and browse the web. I noticed that removing the back cover and blowing a fan directly to the exposed components significantly lowers the temperature, from around 90В°C to 70В°C on average. Is this a safe and effective way to cool down my laptop, or could it cause any damage or performance issues? What are the potential risks and benefits of this method? [url=]https://blogs-aninec.sartorslaxnesssloughed.com[/url] [hr] I have an ASUS TUF Dash F15 2022 laptop that tends to overheat when I play games and browse the web. I noticed that removing the back cover and blowing a fan directly to the exposed components significantly lowers the temperature, from around 90В°C to 70В°C on average. Is this a safe and effective way to cool down my laptop, or could it cause any damage or performance issues? What are the potential risks and benefits of this method? [url=]https://blogs-aninec.sartorslaxnesssloughed.com[/url] [hr] I have an ASUS TUF Dash F15 2022 laptop that tends to overheat when I play games and browse the web. I noticed that removing the back cover and blowing a fan directly to the exposed components significantly lowers the temperature, from around 90В°C to 70В°C on average. Is this a safe and effective way to cool down my laptop, or could it cause any damage or performance issues? What are the potential risks and benefits of this method? [url=]https://blogs-aninec.sartorslaxnesssloughed.com[/url] [/quote]
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