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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='33' dateline='1594168393'] [quote='Haz' pid='32' dateline='1594162712'] You still have some problems here @Lordyx2 get this sorted and I`ll be back...I cannot activate my account if I`m not sent an activation notice...dig in and fix this... [/quote] Yeah the problem is driving me nuts. Everything works with the exception that it don't work. Nobody will accept emails from this domain and they just get bounced back to a system folder as undeliverable. I did happen to notice that I had a user waiting activation so I OKed that and set your PW to the front part of your email address ending on the 2. So you should be able to log in and change your password to whatever you want. Lastly,[i] for the moment... [/i][b][size=medium] Welcome aboard![/size][/b] [/quote]
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