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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='354' dateline='1597779602'] [quote='July' pid='351' dateline='1597773622'] [quote='Lordy x2' pid='142' dateline='1596584263'] [img=200x300]https://cdn.jmbullion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/20gvalcambi.jpg[/img] You talked me into it, I just dropped $1,516.78 on twenty grams. Hope I can afford some more before it skyrockets. https://www.jmbullion.com/20-gram-valcambi-gold-combibar/ [/quote] Well done @lordyx2. Some are speculating that gold is going to triple+++ Warren Buffet invested in a gold mine company, he may say buying gold is foolish but actions speak louder. Welcome to the Precious Metals owners club. :hellyeah: [/quote] Don't give me an attaboy just yet. :( [hr] JM BULLION We are unable to complete ORD-XXXXX at this time. The risk prevention measures we use to verify credit/debit card payments indicate higher-than-average risks on your order. We employ these risk prevention measures for the protection of all our customers. Your order has been cancelled and we have voided your purchase. If any funds were charged to your credit/debit card, they should be refunded within 48 hours. We suggest using a paper check or bank wire if you would like to place another order. Once you have placed a successful order via paper check or bank wire, you will then be able to charge purchases to a credit/debit card. [hr] A day or two before my order was supposed to ship they cancelled it on me. I have bought some silver coins and bars from them and they had no problem receiving payment so I don't know what their problem was with this order. Anyways, I'm still sitting on my cash and going to find someone else to spend it with. JM screwed themselves out of a customer. [/quote]
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