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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='385' dateline='1598829454'] “Ye who suffer woes untold Or to feel, or to behold Your lost country’s bought and sold With a price of blood and gold. “Let a vast assembly be. And with great solemnity Declare with measured words that ye Are, as God made ye, [b]free—[/b] ‘Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you– Ye are many–they are few.’ —Percy Bysshe Shelley [hr] [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/14E7B/production/_114172658_mediaitem114172657.jpg[/img] ‘End to Government Lies.’ ‘New Normal = New Fascism.’ ‘We do not consent.’ ‘We will not comply.’ ‘Masks are Muzzles.’ ‘Free your Face.’ ‘We are the People. We are the Power. We are the 99%.’ [b][size=x-large]WE ARE THE 99%…[/size][/b] These were the messages of the 10,000 men and women who gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square as part of the Unite for Freedom rally yesterday to protest against lockdowns and vaccination programs. Most of the defiant crowd refused to wear a mask during the protests. David Icke, who joined a line-up of professional doctors and nurses, made the speech of the century, saying it was a "joy to look out over an island of sanity in a world of madness." Similar ‘Unite For Freedom’ protests erupted across Europe on the same day. 18,000 protestors gathered in Berlin, with marchers refusing to keep their distance and wear masks as instructed by the 3,000 officers who had been deployed to control the crowd. In Paris, hundreds rallied to protest new mask rules and other restrictions prompted by "rising virus infections" around France. Police watched closely but did not intervene in the event. This followed the Spanish rally in Madrid on 17 August, to protest against facemasks and other CONvid restrictions. The world is waking up. WE ARE THE 99%… It’s time for anarchy. Which means without rulers. (Not without rules) And anarchy starts with slaying the greatest dictator of them all: You don’t have to combat the "virus". You have to beat your own fear. [i]Forty years ago, Osho said: There is NO virus in this world more dangerous than FEAR Understand this fear, otherwise you will become a dead body before your body dies.[/i] [bitchute]https://www.bitchute.com/embed/9JBrOmSJ084X/[/bitchute] In a world of unspeakable injustice, good people turn a blind eye. Mired in material pursuits, transfixed by trivial diversions, they are oblivious. No questions are asked. No answers demanded, No resistance exerted. And the system smiles menacingly— it will prevail. The silence resounds ever more insistently throughout the world. A soundless shudder passes like a current wall to wall— the death of hope is upon us all. We are the collaborators in our own demise. —Norman Mathews In closing, I’d tell you a killer COVID-19 joke, but there’s a 99.995% chance you wouldn’t get it. [/quote]
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