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Reply to thread: Anyone here ever asked themselves what the actual point of a virus is?
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='399' dateline='1598999535'] [quote='Dear Guest' pid='395' dateline='1598956554'] It's not like a virus is a lifeform, is it? It doesn't feed, it doesn't procreate... it does nothing at all. It doesn't even watch TV! It's not alive. So what does it do? I say it's a weapon. And I am not saying it's necessarily man-made. [hr] Think about it. It's not alive any more than a test tube with water and some DNA in it is alive. [/quote] [img]https://cdn-prod.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/articles/158/158179/virus.jpg[/img] It's not a weapon, it's a detergent. A detergent designed by Mother Nature long before mammals inhabited the earth. Some people believe a virus is a parasite providing no advantage for its host, not like most flora and fauna that reside inside a healthy individual, but I disagree. I don't see an individual organism [i](plant or animal)[/i] as the end host. I only see them as part and parcel of the ultimate host. The Biosphere. The biosphere provides the ways & means for every bit of life in it, from the Macro to the Micro. Actually there is no macro, that is just a conglomeration of the micro. Your body has trillions of individual microscopic cells leading their own little well to do lives and they go about their day to day existence thinking about you,,, about as much as you do about them. If they are happy and healthy a passionate army of T-cells will go kick some viral ass when needed. If the virus prevails, well, generally it just removing a useless load from the biosphere. There are no losers in a properly functioning biosphere. This may sound simplistic, but if a Virus is rendering organisms that are not fit enough to defend themselves from said virus, then the Virus is merely preforming its God given function in a healthy ecosystem. Mother Nature's Detergent. [/quote]
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