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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='49' dateline='1594432365'] [b][size=xx-large]Mask Mandates are a terrible waste of Trees[/size][/b] [pil][img=250x187]https://i.insider.com/5e7cded7ba85ee690669c204?width=1035&format=jpeg[/img][/pil]Mask mandates are not about preventing the spread of covid-19, it's about conditioning the masses to do as you are told or face the consequences. [i]On a side note[/i], I've figured out how to float an image, left as in this case or right by adding pil or pir in bracket tags. The acronym is post image left or right depending on the last letter. Actual usages would look like this... [align=center][pil]image/address[\pil] [i][size=small]The text goes here including for right floated images.[/size][/i][/align] Getting back on track, a virus in comparison to air passages in a mask is like a basketball in comparison to a open hanger door big enough to accommodate a jumbo jet. Masks offer little protection for the wearer or those around the wearer. It is not a of badge of honor that you dawn your mask when leaving the house. What it is, is a certificate of ignorance. I live in Houston, 3 months ago I go into the local Walmart Super Center and maybe two or three people were wearing masks. Two months ago about half the shoppers were wearing masks. I went there a few days ago and I was the only one in the whole store without a mask on. The rent-a-cop door greeter hassled me on my way out. He takes my receipt, looks at it, looks at my cart and ask how many jugs of water did I buy. I knew but I wasn't going to tell him, I don't remember, whats it say? He counts them off on the receipt and some of them are buried by groceries in the cart. [b]HEY MAN![/b] Do you have to be touching my groceries with your germie hands? [i]Where are your disposable gloves? [/i] He gives me my receipt and a dirty look, at least I think it was a dirty look, kind of hard to tell when they are wearing a mask. Later that day I found out that our Governor mandated a state wide mask usage policy when in public, lucky I didn't get arrested. That is what is going to be happening in the near future and I don't know if the handcuffs will come before or after law enforcement initiates you into club billy. [pir][url=https://ibb.co/ByLwHKm][img=250x225]https://i.ibb.co/GW7Ff3X/Snap-2020-07-10-at-01-54-11.png[/img][/url][/pir]The blue portion ot the image to the right depicts a white blood cell and all the small green globules are aids viruses. If someone punches you in the nose while wearing your mask, your mask is going to turn red from all the blood wicking through it. If blood can easily pass through a mask how much of a problem would a virus that is multiple times smaller than a blood cell have passing through a mask? [b][url=https://www.khanacademy.org/science/cosmology-and-astronomy/universe-scale-topic/scale-earth-galaxy-tutorial/v/scale-of-the-small]Scale of the small[/url][/b] [b]GOP Rep. Becomes Weirdly Violent With Mask, Rants About Nazis In Bonkers Video[/b] Here is an example of the MSM trying to gaslight the general public. They claim a certain politician comes off his rocker in regards to wearing masks. The video is broke and doesn't display on their site and there is no link to it. Just a long article on how crazy this politician is. This hit piece is designed to get you to make the mental leap that masks are essential and people who don't believe that are a menace to society. [url=https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/louisiana-mask-chainsaw-guy-062137856.html][b]Link[/b][/url] Yet when you hunt down the video and watch it you find the guy is not the weirdo they are trying to paint him as. [video=youtube]httphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu9KFUhu0Y8&feature=emb_logo://[/video] Look at him, he is totally sane, he is wearing a hardhat eye & ear protection. Crazy, NO! Silly, [i]maybe?[/i] They are targeting him because he is railing against the unconstitutional invasive overreach of governmental mask mandates, and the MSM is the propagandizing mouth piece of that mandating entity. So is he actually smarter than average? Ah, I don't know, he did start his video off by saying, "Masks Aren't Bad". As I mention in the title, to force their use on everyone is a detrimental scourge upon the environment. [/quote]
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