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[quote="Dear Guest" pid='491' dateline='1599341810'] Not sure what she is about, and what she is guily of or isn't. There is so much rumor and slander on the net. But she looks like a nice woman. I hope she will come out of this. So I wish her well and in this I am following Trump. Deal with it if you can. [hr] [quote='July' pid='59' dateline='1594754110'] Will we ever hear what Ghislaine Maxwell knows? For years conspiracy theorists have talked about pizzagate, Bohemian Grove and the rich & powerful preying on the under aged. [/quote] When I read something like this, I have to laugh. As if in the lower and lowest social strata of the US there is no preying on the underaged. LOL hypocrites. Oh, but we are looking the other way because those are the good ones! LOL [/quote]
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