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Reply to thread: Anyone here ever asked themselves what the actual point of a virus is?
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[quote="Dear Guest" pid='495' dateline='1599345097'] But then again... "The issue is, viruses exist only in the laboratory, and they are components that have been removed from an animal's or a person's immune system and they have been genetically altered and weaponized and then put back into us." John Broward, The Fullerton Informer, in a video clip you posted yourself https://deepsubjects.net/showthread.php?tid=41 starting at 9:57 or Frontliine Doctors Frontline Psyop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H44fMYBj5E Well that's a real mouthful isn't it, and you may not care for his strained and squeaky voice, delivering his speech as he is driving, but what he is saying is worth considering. And what he is saying there is somewhat shocking to be sure. But what are you gonna do now? You watch a video clip on the net, and now you are all of a sudden drop the mask and COVID-19 regulations? I think nothing could be worse. [hr] [quote='Lordy x2' pid='494' dateline='1599344446'] [quote='Dear Guest' pid='490' dateline='1599341457'] Of course the picture is nice, it goes without saying. [/quote] Yeah they look like little scrubbing bubbles. [/quote] I really love those little spirited replies of yours, Bwana. [hr] But the picture really wasn't the point of my reply, and you know that. [hr] Oh and BTW Bwana, you might think of mentioning the source of your copy/paste replies. [/quote]
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