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Reply to thread: I Got a Whole Bunch of Respect for this Man
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='497' dateline='1599356390'] [quote='Dear Guest' pid='496' dateline='1599346599'] [quote='Lordy x2' pid='34' dateline='1594171362'] As far as this guy's spiel goes... I can get behind him because all the MSM outlets have been dumping on Trump since he threw his hat in the ring. At least that's what I hear online, because I don't watch any of them. With the exception of about 3 local news broadcast over the last 3 months to see how crazy things have gotten, I haven't watched the news in 3 decades. And proud of it! :cool: [/quote] Question... if you haven't watched the news in 3 decades except for 3 local news broadcasts over the last 3 months, HOW IN HELL WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT ALL THE MSM OUTLETS HAVING BEEN DUMPING ON TRUMP SINCE HE THREW HIS HAT IN THE RING... just wondering. [/quote] [img]https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/57559384/i-like-him-hes-silly.jpg[/img] [/quote]
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