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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='506' dateline='1599478047'] Australians seem to be crying out for their own enslavement, bring on the totalitarian tyrannical overlords, what the hell is the matter with them are they bored? [size=large][font=Arial Black]Polls show Australian public wants a 'COVID jail'[/font][/size] [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnRtqj_Wm5E[/video] Recent polls show Australians love the extreme responses to COVID-19 imposed by their state premiers and would vote for even more draconian measures, according to Sky News host Paul Murray. The multiple polls show people are largely happy with their state premier’s responses to COVID-19, most Australians would vote in favour of a COVID-19 facility to place infected cases, and most Australians would vote for tracking bracelets for positive cases. “Despite the fact that there are so few cases, barely a dozen in Queensland, fewer than five in South Australia, none right now in Western Australia,” Mr Murray said. “The public say the second you get it, tracking bracelet or off to COVID jail.” [/quote]
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