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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='508' dateline='1599486446'] I was at another[url=https://www.beyond-the-fringe.com/showthread.php?tid=7028] CT Site[/url] and seems Jane Fonda was in the news which caused the whole place to attack her, so, I had to add my 2 cent! It got deleted. I don't know if they hate Jane that much or the fact that I linked to my site was what they objected to, or maybe some combination of both. At any rate after they shoved my post down their rabbit hole it landed here! Give it a Thumbs Up. [hr] [quote='Apache54' dateline='1599315332'] Jane Fonda should have been executed for TREASON when she got many of our Vietnam troops killed years ago! She is another whom her WEALTH has saved her. DAMN SCUM she is!! [/quote] Yeah her and Mohammad Ali. At least they put his monkey ass in prison for speaking & acting out over the atrocities happening in Vietnam. And they should have continued to punish Ali by keeping him out of the ring afterwards. Why just who the hell do these people think they are exercising their freedom of speech while directing that speech at the scumbags who attacked and murdered [b]3 MILLION [/b]mostly women and children over the staged Gulf of nothing incident Tonkin. You sound like a really bright one, I bet you wear your mask in your car with the windows rolled up. As a side note, [url=https://deepsubjects.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=2]I like my background image better![/url] [/quote]
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