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Reply to thread: CDC Director Says He Thinks Masks Work Better Than Vaccines
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='564' dateline='1600555993'] [img]https://humansarefree.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Bill-Gates-vaccine-dangers.jpg[/img] A few months ago Dr. Fraudci said People Should Not Wear Masks! All hail Dr. Fraudci. Then he, and the WHO, and the CDC changed their uni-mind and mask craziness took over the world. Then the WHO said masks are really only for health service personnel who know how to use them. But then the CDC director just said that "life-saving" masks work much better than a vaccine for Covid-19. Mask-on. Mask-off. Is your head spinning yet? In summary: Masks Work against a killer disease which is so bad that you have a 99.8% survival rate if you get it; so, we don’t need a vaccine, but can just keep on being muzzled forever. Or alternatively – Masks Don’t Work, because there’s no killer disease, but we still need to wear them so they can keep us quiet until Dr. Kill Bill Jr. can make money off his planned vaccine massacre. (And take out a few million of the population at the same time as planned by Daddy Kill Bill before him…RIP. Too bad he’s missing the grand eugenics finale) Get real. Have you seen the one with the guys in the hazmat suits removing the surfers from the beach? That’s virus protection! Not a crumpled piece of paper or fabric stuffed into your glove compartment, re-used every time you are forced to wear it to go into a public space. Shaming People-Against-Masks has become the trendiest bullying of the year. Taking over from the ‘I see you on the beach and am calling the police’ bullies. And the ‘how dare you walk your dog or hug an old person’ bullies. [/quote]
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