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Reply to thread: Apollo A7L/A7LB Lunar Overboot
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='567' dateline='1600632160'] [quote='singing spider' pid='3836252' dateline='1600618875'] uhm, nice pondering but still wrong do you know how gummi bears are made? the molds are starch [b]dust[/b] did you ever actually make a footprint in dust from dry soil? I have often done it, and it was well defined and stayed also the moon has much less gravity and no wind small particles like dust can be held together by electrostatic force [/quote] Starch is organic, Soil is organic and you will find some small percentage of water or oil in both. Nobody has ever made a highly detailed, highly defined casting out of 100% dry single constituent granular bits of rock and it doesn't matter how fine it is ground, it will forever be a nonmagnetic insulator type material incapable of accepting a static charge. That's probably why the moon is electrically dead, there is noting on it that conducts electricity. For anyone who can reason, the picture is obviously not of the moon therefore most likely not on the moon. I mean why would they drag material to the moon that would accept a boot print when they could find it and do it right here on Earth no problem. Once again, the mere fact dust blankets the moon in every crack and cranny except on top of other rocks and boulders [i](I guess the solar winds knocked it off)[/i] ought to be clue enough. There is no natural mechanism on the moon to create loads of sand or sand-dust. And even if there was, that material wouldn't be able to make a picture perfect print. [/quote]
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