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[quote="" pid='57' dateline='1594733487'] I prepped for a pandemic but I really was not prepared for this type of pandemic. My preps were for a total isolation pandemic. With Covid, jobs still continued. Going out everyday to work depleted my resources fast. Gloves, masks and bleach wipes were stored but I never planned on using upwards of 4 pairs of gloves per day. Learning to use what you have was a great lesson. Cooking and not having an ingredient had me pulling out cook books. I realized many of the current cookbooks call for specific spices and specialty items. It was quickly realized that my Mom's old cookbook was the best resource. Current how to books seem to be written with the mindset of go out and buy the items you need to put it together. Have been pruning my library, keeping the Foxfire books and donating the latest preppers manual. [/quote]
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