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[quote="Shrubbeard" pid='58' dateline='1594746349'] [quote='Lordy x2' pid='52' dateline='1594589876'] [quote='Shrubbeard' pid='51' dateline='1594572427'] I put this site on my speed dial last week. Got what now, 10+ conspiracyness sites on the watch list? good luck, and hello Haz :cool: Lordy how about a complete list of all your current and former conspiracyness S/N's ? I've seen lordy before.. probably on good labratory practice. :blush: [/quote] It a short list, I was/is Lord DunLOP @LOP. Not a heavy hitter been there for years but only about 1200 posts. If you see HAZ tell him I said hi, I haven't heard from him, so I think I either scared him off, or pissed him off? [/quote] I see he came over to BT which is kind of turned into a fringe exodus site, even though the real intended fringe exodus site isn't even open yet. (but it will be). You know many of us put a lot of effort into posting there. I put a lot of effort into it, so just going POOF (the second time for us who went there from COP) was upsetting. Thanks for your reply, I'll keep this place in my speed dials. [/quote]
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