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Reply to thread: Woman arrested, tased for not wearing mask at middle school football game
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='585' dateline='1601159037'] [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U039RpRooCk&feature=emb_logo[/video] That cop wouldn't have assaulted anyone if everyone wasn't wearing a I'm a moron certificate over their nose and mouth. I wonder if the clown came back and arrested the two football teams that were in each others faces without masks? The only way this is going to end is when the Karen's and whoever are more afraid of a pissed off populace than a invisible nonexistent virus. Until the odds are having the taste slapped clean out of your mouth for daring to wear a mask in public you are going to keep wearing them. You were scared into wearing them and now you are to scared to take them off. You and your fear are a menace to society and since you are not smart enough to do it yourself, your mask should be physically ripped from your stupid face and thrown in a pit and burned. HEY STUPID, THERE IS NO PANDEMIC, MASKS DON'T WORK & YOU ARE BEING CONDITIONED FOR SOMETHING FAR WORSE THAN A SLAP IN THE FACE. [/quote]
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