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Reply to thread: Human Detention Centers Coming to a Walmart Near You
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='66' dateline='1594779340'] [quote='July' pid='64' dateline='1594778053'] [quote='Lordy x2' pid='63' dateline='1594767265'] Crap, it might be time to stock up on TP again! [/quote] You need to stock up anyways. I believe many areas will be on lock-down again soon. I working in the construction industry and there is a lumber shortage. I tried to buy a bunk of 1 x 6 weather treated today and there wasn't much to be found. Even Home Depot is running low on lumber. The break in the supply chain is starting to surface. Once all the builders run out of lumber than the other subs can't complete their work. The ripple effect will happen. [/quote] That sounds scary, but it leaves me to wonder if home prices are going to drop due to people defaulting on their mortgages or go up due to material shortages? [/quote]
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