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Reply to thread: Koch’s Postulates – The Germ Theory Never Satisfies
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='689' dateline='1604261035'] [b]Forward by Jim Meehan, MD The science against the flu vaccines and Tamiflu: why they are ineffective, unnecessary, and bad medicine[/b] As a physician and former editor of the medical journal, Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, I know something about immunology, inflammation, and vaccines. For more than 15 years I’ve researched and analyzed the science and pseudoscience underlying the U.S. vaccine program. What I’ve found is that the science is irresponsibly poor. In fact, it appears to be intentionally contrived to deceive the public with vaccine industry funded weak and biased observational studies. However, because the vaccine industry stakeholders are more powerful and wealthier than any other industry in the history of the world, they have been extremely successful at using deceptive marketing to promote inadequately tested, ineffective, and unsafe vaccines. I also know the difference between real, honest, independent, transparent science, and the fake, dishonest, financially biased/bought-and-paid-for pseudoscience being pumped into medical journals by the pharmaceutical industry and their physician co-conspirators. Nowhere is the scientific fraud and betrayal of public trust more manifest than in the promotion of untested and unsafe vaccines like the flu vaccine. To learn everything you need to know about the flu shot: [url=https://www.meehanmd.com/blog/2020-09-28-the-flu-vaccine-is-bad-medicine/]https://www.meehanmd.com/blog/2020-09-28...-medicine/[/url] [/quote]
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