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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='72' dateline='1594834541'] [quote='July' pid='71' dateline='1594817013'] Had two stores ask me to donate my change to charity because of a coin shortage. Is there really a coin shortage? Are the stores really donating all the change to charity? Is this another step towards cashless society? Officials said cash carried the Corona. Is the government really wanting to track all purchases? [/quote] [size=xx-large]Kroger will no longer give change in coins amid shortage[/size] Don't expect to receive change in coins when you go to the grocery store. Kroger, the largest supermarket chain in the U.S., has said it will stop giving customer coin change, citing the nationwide shortage of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarter in circulation as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The company, which operates nearly 3,000 grocery stores in 35 states, has posted signs at many of its stores indicating the change in policy. Kroger is asking customers paying with cash to use exact change. Alternatively, patrons may donate what they are owed in coins to its Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation, an initiative aimed at eliminating hunger in the U.S. [url=https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kroger-coin-shortage-no-change/][b]LINK[/b][/url] [hr] We are headed towards a cashless society where if your controllers don't like what you say or do will shut down your access to funds. What is going on now is simply a ploy to get you used to operating under those conditions. In the grand scheme of things a cashless society is a tool to help bring and maintain order for the NWO. [/quote]
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