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Reply to thread: "A Horrifying Future" - WEF's Vision For A Post-COVID World
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='856' dateline='1607035639'] Like it or not this pandemic is a HOAX and what is going on is no worse than any other flu season, the only difference is the MSM trying to blow gaslight smoke up everybody asses 24/7. Further more the whole field of virology is a hoax and virologist are either ignorant or knowing HOAXSTERS when stating viruses are responsible for any infectious deceases. Virologists contend that a virus has no metabolism of its own and is biochemically dead. However, how something dead can develop the power to enter the organism through the dermis, corium and fascia of the organs, the lining of the vessels and against the flow of mucus of the mucous membranes, in order to pass through the tough connective tissue mass (which surrounds all cells) is no longer an open question, but a refuted myth that has evolved throughout our history. [url=https://truthseeker.se/wp-content/uploads/Lanka_interview_July-2020-English-Translation.pdf][b]LINK[/b][/url] You can begin to fully educate yourself here or you can remain among the hoaxed. [/quote]
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