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Reply to thread: Grand Opening of DSn
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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='99' dateline='1595546526'] [quote='July NLI' pid='96' dateline='1595543519'] What is with posting my IP and the two karma.... [/quote] It wasn't my intention and I don't know about posting your IP, that would be a no-no. Tell me where it is published where joe or jolene blow can view it and I will see about removing it. As far as the negative reputation goes, I was just testing the system and I had thought you had run off to BT or back to wherever you came from, so, I didn't think I was going to be hurting anybodies feelings. In light of your wandering prodigal poster's return, I'll see if I can retract my negative,,, whatever they are called, I'm still learning this software. Once again glad you are okay my friend, happy to hear from you! [/quote]
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