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[quote="Lordy x2" pid='1989' dateline='1636060629'] "We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -- CIA Director William Casey, 1981 "When a large percentage of the public takes it upon themselves to continue to gaslight themselves using methane produced from the BS we've supplied, our disinformation campaign can be considered a complete success." -- updated CIA quote Hubby tested what? As of this late-date the virus that causes covid-19 has not been discovered, isolated and proven to be contagious. You can't test positive or negative for something that has not been discovered. All a believer of covid disinformation can do is prattle on about how they've never been so sick in their entire life. I'd call them stupid, but calling stupid people stupid just makes them stupider. They get irate and cling even stronger to their errant beliefs. They might try to convince others that you can test positive for something that hasn't been proven to exist, thereby increasing the gas flow to the light which can only illuminate the path to their own destruction, as hundreds of thousands have already figured out. [/quote]
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