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Posted by: chad chaddington
08-14-2020, 05:44 PM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
- Replies (1)

I annoyingly reiterate the need to pay attention to these "isolation centers" and "quarantine camps". Everyday I see these mainstream articles trying to normalize the idea of forcing you against your will, to isolate in a facility to allegedly combat a virus. You can think it is crazy, right up until you are loaded onto the cart.


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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-14-2020, 07:15 AM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
- Replies (1)

[Image: wAVzdHQ.jpg]

WorldoMeter Chart Showing Case Mortality Rate
Per Age Group

[Image: Snap-2020-08-14-at-01-23-45.png]

I don't know if the Presidents said that or not, but if he did he would be correct if the child is under ten years of age. Conversely, Granny is a different story, if she is between 70 and 80 and gets infected with CoVid-19 she only has 920 chances out of a 1,000 to survive! If she's over 80 then odds are 852 chances out of 1,000 to survive. Either way, if Granny is basically healthy, then like the child she has nothing to worry about whether she gets infected or not.

Of course the numbers displayed by the chart presuppose they can accurately test for covid-19 which we know they can't, so even though total deaths are barely outside the range of influenza season, and a far cry from anything resembling a pandemic, they have been shown and proven to be exaggerated bogus numbers.

Do you understand Granny, you don't have to worry because it's all BS!

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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-11-2020, 04:11 PM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
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NASA warns of upcoming close shave with asteroid as doomsday preacher predicts ‘apocalyptic fireball’

[Image: 5f3139552030271278734a33.jpg]

Two asteroids are set to dart past Earth in the coming days, while NASA has warned about an impending close shave with an airplane-sized space rock. A doomsday preacher has also issued a dire warning about the upcoming encounter.

Greatly enhanced detection techniques have allowed astronomers to witness an ever-increasing number of asteroid flybys in recent years. The latest installment will see two space rocks skim past Earth this week. Both of the rocks were only spotted in recent days, a reminder of the threat that undetected asteroids potentially pose to our planet.


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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-10-2020, 03:31 AM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-08-2020, 08:06 PM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
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The Federal Government and Yale Are Holding Clinical Trials on How Best to ‘Persuade’ Americans to Take COVID-19 Vaccines

[Image: Snap-2020-08-08-at-14-16-43.png]

The study is published at the government website on clinical trials.

The options they are studying include shame and anger techniques:

Other: Control message
Other: Baseline message
Other: Personal freedom message
Other: Economic freedom message
Other: Self-interest message
Other: Community interest message
Other: Economic benefit message
Other: Guilt message
Other: Embarrassment message
Other: Anger message
Other: Trust in science message
Other: Not bravery message

Brief Summary:

This study tests different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available. Participants are randomized to 1 of 12 arms, with one control arm and one baseline arm. We will compare the reported willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine at 3 and 6 months of it becoming available between the 10 intervention arms to the 2 control arms. Study participants are recruited online by Lucid, which matches census based sampling in online recruitment.

The government website even describes how to guilt someone into taking the vaccine.

1/15 of the sample will be assigned to this message. The message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease.

And here is how they convince someone on the “trust in science” subgroup.

1/15 of the sample will be assigned to this message about how getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one’s community. Vaccination is backed by science. If one doesn’t get vaccinated that means that one doesn’t understand how infections are spread or who ignores science.

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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-06-2020, 02:33 PM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
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They used to tell us that we were in danger due to external foreign terrorists threatening our safety. Now they are pointing their weapons at US, telling us the threat lives inside of us & monitoring & policing us like we are the enemy & are now waging a war on terror against us. And just like our lives & society were restructured to fight the war on terror, they are now too, except they are brainwashing & manipulating us to believe that WE are the threat, making us feel dirty & to treat our friends and loved ones as if they are now potential terrorists.

The war against terror has moved from pointing guns at foreign invaders to pointing weapons at ourselves & assuming anyone around us may be a threat to us or our loved ones’s life. Instead of being suspicious of foreign entities, we’re suspicions of ourselves & our neighbors. Can you hear the war call? They are gathering troops & supplies to defeat the enemy, which they’ve convinced you lives inside of you & will use a vaccine to blast it out of you, so you can feel safe. But you never will be, because they own your mind & now your body if you allow this.

Now everyone thinks they’re dirty & contaminated & we look at loved ones as threats to us. They’ve not only restructured the way our society functions, but also how we interact with our families & our children. Anyone could be a terrorist now-everyone is a threat.

--Ali Zeck

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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-05-2020, 02:51 AM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
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UNBELIEVABLE: In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent

Robert Kennedy Jr. and Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz debated on the topic of the coronavirus vaccine back in July. During the debate, Kennedy Jr. claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci invested $500 million in the vaccine that is not safe by any means and Fauci owns half the patent so he’s due to make millions.

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Posted by: Lordy x2
08-04-2020, 10:00 PM
Forum: The Truth is in Here
- Replies (1)

[Image: gates.png]

On May 5, 2009, Bill Gates gathered together a handful of the West’s richest men who met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet. 

Those attending included Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. What did they deem the world’s biggest threat? They each gave a 15-minute presentation on their primary concern for the planet. “Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed overpopulation was a priority,” according to the report from London’s Sunday Times.

[Image: Snap-2020-08-04-at-15-02-36.png]Gates, Rockefeller, and Soros

Meanwhile, the staffers of the oligarchs were told that “security briefings” were the reason for their meeting. “We only learned about it afterward,” said Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy. “Normally these people are happy to talk about good causes, but this is different—maybe because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal.” ][1]

Gates meeting was a great success, as his billionaire friends and all the major foundations decided to contribute to the Gates Foundation’s population control efforts. Warren Buffett, the second richest at the time behind Gates, shifted $31 billion of his assets to his friend Bill. In 2011, Gates told CNN: “The benefits [of vaccines] are there in terms of reducing sickness, reducing population growth.” In a 2010 Ted Talk he said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [population] by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.”

Such quotes alarmed many that Gates’ obsession with vaccines might be accompanied by a sinister agenda for population reduction. This concern materialized in Kenya in 2014 when of 3 million women there unknowingly received vaccinations from the Gates-funded World Health Organization that were secretly laced with a sterilant and contraceptive. The WHO denied it, but in 2017, the former prime minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga backed the doctors: “Today, we can confirm to the country that the Catholic Church was right.” ][2]

[Image: Snap-2020-08-04-at-15-37-50.png]My article last week highlighted Gates’s association with eugenicist, Nazi sympathizer, and white supremacist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, through Bill Gates, Sr. being “head of Planned Parenthood,” according a 2003 Bill Gates interview with Bill Moyers. My second article this week documents that Gates, along with George Soros, is a key donor for the Lucis Trust, originally named after Lucifer.

What about the others attending that 2009 meeting, such as David Rockefeller? The Rockefeller Foundation funded Margaret Sanger in her early years. A little research on the Kenya HCG vaccine that sterilizes women also brings to the fore the Rockefeller family. I tracked down the Rockefeller Foundation’s 1968 Annual Report. On page 52, it calls for “progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility.” Their 1988 Annual Report cites a large grant given to India for “a large anti-fertility vaccine for women.” Another generous grant is listed on page 56 “for research on a potential contraceptive vaccine based on beta-hCG synthesized bacteria”—just a few years before the 1993 experiments in Mexico, Nicaragua, and the Philippines. ][3]

[Image: Snap-2020-08-04-at-15-16-21.png]Ted TurnerLet’s look at one more member of the famous 2009 meeting of oligarchs in Manhattan—Ted Turner. The founder of CNN has been concerned about overpopulation for decades. In 1996, he told Audubon magazine, “We’re all 5 billion of us on this little earth swimming around in space, and there’s too many of us,” he said. “If we had a much smaller population . . . we could cut back to 250 million—350 million people.” 

Turner’s longings are memorialized by a monument of huge, druid-like stone tablets that sit atop a rural hill in Elbert County, Georgia, 30 minutes from CNN headquarters. Yoko Ono wrote a musical score with John Cage in three movements to honor these “Georgia Stones,” which proclaim in eight languages the “Ten Guides” for the billions of people now on earth.

The First Guide says in engraved script: “Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature.” [4]

There are no instructions for how to get from today’s 7+ billion down to 500 million people, causing us to wonder what kinds of plans were being made by Turner, Gates, Rockefeller and the others at their secret meeting in 2009.

[Image: Snap-2020-08-04-at-15-48-12.png]Georgia Guidestones

UNEP, the United Nations Environment Program, quoted an expert in its Global Biodiversity Assessment Report: “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”

Some high-profile figures, however, have called for a deliberate attempt by world leaders to kill off large segments of the population. In a 1991 United Nations publication, world famous oceanographer Jacques Cousteau said: “It’s terrible to have to say this: World population must be stabilized, and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. Prince Philip, royal spouse of Queen Elizabeth, declared his ambition to solve the “population explosion” by being reincarnated as a “particularly deadly virus.” Bertrand Russell, the famous atheist philosopher and humanist leader, celebrated worldwide by population control institutions, provided a careful, reasoned quote to help understand how rational people just might consider eliminating half of humanity.

[Image: Bertrand_Russell_1957.jpg]Bertrand Russell

“I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing,” wrote Russell in The Impact of Science on Society. “War so far has had no great effect on this increase . . .  perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full . . . the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of other people’s.” [5]

Bertrand Russell received the Nobel Prize for literature. He was by all accounts a cordial man. And he dressed nicely.

Again, it is difficult for all of us to imagine “nice” people thinking this way, or acting upon it. However, the elite mentality has always been with us, since Plato wrote his Republic 2300 years ago. Every kid studies this book at prep schools like the Gates’s attended. This most famous of Greek philosophers told us that the ruling class are those “whose aim will be to preserve the average of population.” He further stated, “There are many other things which they will have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State from becoming either too large or too small.”

Plato adds that population control must be done in secret—what you might call a conspiracy. “Now these goings on must be a secret which the rulers only know, or there will be a further danger of our herd… breaking out into rebellion.”

[Image: David_Rockefeller_-_NARA_-_195929_%28cropped%29.jpg]David RockefellerIn his 2003 memoirs, David Rockefeller does nothing to dispel the notion that Plato’s Republic is the oligarch’s go-to playbook: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

[Image: df67af187a9accf4d6939870eea6f785f9-17-ma...e.w700.jpg]Margaret SangerThe Rockefellers have another black mark on their record that is particularly egregious. Dr. Gregory Pincus, who helped Sanger develop the birth control pill, studied and worked with the Rockefeller funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, exposed for sterilizing 600 French African children and closely associating with the Nazi eugenics program. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was in fact the primary driver of eugenics in Hitler’s Third Reich, overseeing a complex of hospitals and research centers, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Hitler was highly influenced by the first director, Eugen Fischer, and his two volume Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene. Many ideas from this book reappear in Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Dr. Karin Magnussen conducted experiments at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute on eye color to prove Nazi racial theories, and her eye specimens were supplied from concentration camps by famous Nazi Dr. Joseph Mengele. When funding began to fall, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute’s eugenicist center looked to the Rockefellers, who provided more support.

Excerpted from Dean Arnold’s book exposing Gates and his population control efforts in Ethiopia and Africa.

Link to the original article and its footnotes.

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