Mind Control 4 basic tenets - Printable Version
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Mind Control 4 basic tenets - Frigg stuyvesant - 07-26-2020
1.) Anecdotal evidence
2.) Appeal to emotion
3.) Availability heuristic
4.) Confirmation bias
Limit true information and gatekeeping
--- Repetition via media 24/7/365..
Anecdotal is skewed towards targets and logical fallacies, cognitive dissonance.
--- Appeal to the easiest targets of emotion (children, etc. and suggestible adults. Sexual proclivities)
--- tendency to overestimate what is fed to them as real because of the availability of heuristic.
Moving the goalposts within the confirmation bias. Using strawman arguments defend the bias.
Sidestep and the Texas sharpshooter.
Divide and conquer.
RE: Mind Control 4 basic tenets -
Lordy x2 - 07-26-2020
All I can say is...
Most people who eke through their day think they are their own person doing as they want when they want, totally unaware that their wants are installed programs. And they ain't the programmer.
RE: Mind Control 4 basic tenets - Frigg Stuyvesant - 07-26-2020
You got that right, Brother!