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[Image: mario_draghi_2021_cropped-e1613164682221-1200x793.jpg]

ITALY: It’s Civil War! — Dictatorship Declares Vaxx obligatory for all

In violation of every term of the Italian Constitution, the Charter of Human Rights of the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi’s Government DL 44/2021.

The terms of this Dictatorial Decree oblige every resident of Italy to take the Vaxx, regardless of any position of religion or conscience.

Those who refuse, will be DENIED all medical assistance, in all hospitals and clinics, public and private.

Here is a direct link to the Italian Gazette, the official publication of the Italian Republic regarding laws. The Decree of April 1, 2021 was converted into a “law” by a vote in Parliament last week. The key wording is in Article 5, where anyone, who is deemed to be “not in present use of their natural faculties” — i .e. asleep — can be vaccinated by medical staff, because their consent is PRESUMED.

This is barbarism.

The Draghi government is going forward with its mass vaccination program with calculated steps. Already in past weeks we have seen political dissidents threatened with or receiving TSO’s (being taken to a mental asylum) for refusing to comply with Sanitary Dictatorship Decrees. Now any resistance can be deemed violent, violence deemed signs of insanity, insanity a sign of “not being in possession of natural faculties” and the door is open to vaccination!

I personally know of several poor people who are being obliged to get vaccinated in order to keep receiving welfare checks. While this goes beyond the letter of the law, in truth, Italy is already in a lawless state. Every injustice will now be perpetrated on account of the Scamdemic.

But with the approval of 44/2021, the previous approval of the “Green Passport” as the condition for travel between any two regions of Italy or use of public accommodations, makes the Vaccine a practical requirement for normal life takes on a new threat. Refusal to comply now gives a “legal” way to force vaccination.

Many opposition groups have declared in previous weeks and months, that if the Draghi government took this step, they would declare armed conflict against the government.

Whether Civil War breaks out now in Italy, God only knows, but truly with such a move the Italian Dictatorship has declared war on its people: a war of extermination, a war of genocide, a war against Christianity, a war to the destruction of all human life in the territory of the former Republic.

The days ahead abode with darkness and conflict. I beg your prayers to Our Lady of Victories for the Italian people!

EDITORIAL: I wrote an editorial in response to this news, the day after.

August 19,2021 UPDATE:  Eleven days before the above report was filed, General Figliuolo, the Vaxx Tsar appointed by the Draghi government, confirmed the conclusion of my report saying:  “By September we will all be vaccinated”.  Click the image below to read the original report in Italian:


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire

Italy is kinda nuts, you know.
The Italians are not known to be good at following laws or paying taxes.



(08-31-2021, 07:23 PM)Guest Wrote:  Italy is kinda nuts, you know.
The Italians are not known to be good at following laws or paying taxes.

If you have half a brain you realize they are trying to kill us with the vaccine, therefore there may be more hope for them if they're kinda nuts.

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 31 - Italian anti-vaxxers posted death threats against Foreign Minister and 5-Star Movement (M5S) bigwig Luigi Di Maio in Telegram chat rooms on Tuesday.

 "Another rat to be executed", "we need lead", and "you must die", were some of the messages.

Di Maio is among those who have become the target of anti-vax hate after statements in favour of Italy's vaccine rollout.

He said this week "the whole political spectrum, and more, must condemn the violence we are seeing on the part of the so-called No Vax, who are protesting in unacceptable forms.

    "I appeal to all political forces too: you must not fuel the flames".

Rightwing leaders like the League's Matteo Salvini have said that while they condemn violence, they understand the anti-vaxxers' anger and no one should be forced to get the COVID jab.

There have been a number of violent protests and other incidents involving anti-vaxxers in Italy recently. 

On Sunday night a top virologist, Matteo Bassetti, was accosted by a 46-year-old man who has been cited for issuing serious threats.

The man reportedly came across Bassetti in the street and started following him, filming him on his phone and shouting at him: "You're going to kill all of us with these vaccines and we're going to make you pay".

Bassetti, an expert in infectious diseases at Genoa's San Martino Hospital, appears regularly on Italian TV and urges people to get the COVID jab.

Police said Tuesday that eight people had been cited for social-media threats against Bassetti over the last few months.

Meanwhile in Rome, a video journalist from La Repubblica daily was attacked by a protester at an anti-Green Pass sit-in outside the Education Ministry.

There have been several protests against the vaccine passport, which will become obligatory for domestic air and long-distance rail travel, as well as schools, on Wednesday.

Bassetti told ANSA: "I ask for the State's protection vis a vis people who threaten, I should like the State to punish these people. "I don't want escorts, I want the State to punish people who threaten.

"I've been threatened since December, since the vaccine came out: first anonymous letters, then threats by phone in the clinic and at my wife's hotel, it's been continuous".

The interior ministry said the right to protest was guaranteed in Italy, but not that to make threats.

Trade unions came out against the anti-Green Pass protest movement Tuesday by saying they were firmly against trains being blocked by anti-vax passengers who did not have the passport on them.

"The risks inherent in such a protest are evident and measures must be taken to protect users and staff," said the unions, Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti.

"Freedom of transport is a Constitutional right and those blocking it in the name of the supposed right not to be vaccinated should be punished by the law".

They said "we hope there will be a rethink about these protests".

Interior Undersecretary Carlo Sibilia said anyone blocking rail circulation Wednesday would be committing a crime and "we will have to be intransigent on this".

There are set to be a rash of demonstrations against the Green Pass in 54 Italian cities Wednesday.

Social media have been inundated with the slogan "Enough dictatorships".

Another popular post was "if they don't let us leave without the slavery passport the no one is leaving
The Green Pass is already compulsory for gyms, swimming pools, cinemas, restaurants and other indoor venues.

Ahead of the introduction of the mandatory Green Pass in schools, officials said Tuesday that schools can hire people to inspect the vaccine passport and use more than one access point to the buildings


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire

One thing you have to admit, the warnings and doom talk about the health of those who took the vax
is yet to materialise. We don't know if those who took one, two, or three shots of mRNA, or viral vector compound
shots will suffer long-term consquences. To say the DEFINITELY WILL is posing.



(09-02-2021, 05:48 PM)Guest Wrote:  One thing you have to admit, the warnings and doom talk about the health of those who took the vax
is yet to materialise. We don't know if those who took one, two, or three shots of mRNA, or viral vector compound
shots will suffer long-term consquences. To say the DEFINITELY WILL is posing.

Gawd! I don't know how it happened but it's definitely why I don't have any posters here! Somehow someway my site is only being shown to people on different planets. On planet Earth anyone who's honestly keeping score will tell you, your odds of suffering ill effects go up dramatically after being vaccinated.

Apparently this video had been removed/censored.


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire

The Israeli People Committee's (IPC) April report on the lethal impact of Vaccination

[Image: israel+covid.jpg?format=750w]

The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects.* The findings are catastrophic on every possible level.

Their verdict is that “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people.”  The report is long and detailed. I will outline just some of the most devastating findings presented in the report.



"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire
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